Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Poster Analysis - Flight Plan

This poster was put out to advertise the film 'Flight Plan', which is a thriller about a woman who is portrayed as being 'crazy' after her daughter goes missing on an aeroplane. The main actor in this film is Jodie Foster.

The use of the dark colours makes it come across as a thriller and dark tonal colours are related to dark atmospheres, which would be present in this film. The choice of colour has also being cleverly chosen as the light blue matches the characters eye colour perfectly, and the dark navy and black colours match her costume.

The way the name of the film is written coincides with the storyline of the film. As you go to the right of the text, it almost takes on the characteristics of a plane that is travelling at fast speeds. It could also be recognised as a plane that is becoming out of control and heading for danger, which is what the film is about.

The fact the text is white directly contrasts to the black and blue colours that are used for the background of the poster, making it obviously visible to the viewer of the poster. The white also matches with the colour of the text used to show who the main character of the film is. This is done to keep consistency within the poster so it's more appealing to the viewer's eye.

This poster, as well as most others, has the names of the actors included in the film. This is to show the viewers of the poster to recognise some of the actors and maybe develop more interest in the film.

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