Thursday, 25 March 2010
Front cover with added film strip effect
Magazine cover with star feature
Magazine cover with feature film
Magazine with new added features
Magazine with two possible title fonts
Possible Fonts for Title of magazine
Things to be included on my magazine front cover
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Process of Making Magazine front 1
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Drafts for my magazine front cover
For this magazine front cover I am wanting to use the youngest of the boys in the trailer to be the main focus. I would like it either if he is sat on the stairs looking at the camera, scared, or below with a torch searching for his brother, but both times being fully aware that the camera is there.
Possible names for my magazine
General features of a magazine front cover
Textual Analysis - Total Film
One main feature of every magazine is the title. This is one of the main features of any magazine, because it allows people to differentiate between different ‘types’ of magazines and also different ones within that particular genre of magazine. The name of this magazine being ‘Total Film’ allows the reader to directly identify it with it’s content; being about films. The use of the red against the white highlights the colouring of the picture behind the title and helps it be more consistent.
Another feature which is commonly seen on magazines are subheadings. Under the title of the magazine, there is a sub-heading which gives insight into either what the magazine is about, or how the magazine portrays themselves in terms of quality. Both these things are evident in this magazine’s sub-heading which state it’s ‘The Ultimate Movie Magazine’ as it shows what the magazine is about and also giving an opinion of how good they are at presenting the topic.
Probably the main feature which is on all magazine front covers is a background picture. The picture which is used as the background to most film magazines is taken from the feature film in the magazine. This particular photo is of Johnny Depp playing a part in the film ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, which is what this issue of the magazine is focusing on. As well as the picture being the main focus, we can also tell that this film is the main feature because the name of it is central on the front cover, which makes it easier for the reader to view. One main thing to point out is that the character in the picture, seems to be posing for the camera, in order to engage with the reader of the magazine.
The colouring of the text is important in being able to maintain the consistency of the presentation of the front cover. In this front cover, the colouring of the text is mainly white, to show smaller text, and grey to show headings to the text. The fact the text is this colour makes it contrast against the bright colours of the picture in the background. As well as the use of white and grey text, there is also the use of the colour purple, which is used to fill in stars, which act as bullet points and separations between features, and also used to surround other text to add emphasis.
The fact that this colour is used, very cleverly intertwines with the colour of the character's gloves and eyes on the picture. This allows each feature on the front cover to seem relative to each other and make it seem like text and other things such as ‘stars’ haven’t just being added there, but it seems like they belong there.
Another thing that is essential, when producing a magazine, is the addition of a barcode. Although this doesn’t help the magazine company in anyway to increasing or receiving sales, it is required in order for the sales that do happen, to be completed. As well as a barcode, a date is also required for a magazine front cover. This is because it makes it easier for classification or an issue number for the magazine to be made, this is why an issue number is also needed to be placed onto the front cover, near to where the date is. This makes it easier for the readers to know if they have already bought this issue or not, and also to make it easier for them know if it is a recent copy, or if it is and old copy.
Textual Analysis - Empire Front cover 2
The title of the magazine is an important part of any magazine front cover. This is so that people can differentiate between this one and others of the same genre or type. The quality of any front cover would automatically trigger any reader to assume that the content is probably of the same quality. In addition to this, the fact that part of the title of the magazine is covered up by a section of the picture which is featured on the cover, shows that this particular magazine is a highly achieving magazine which is very popular, meaning everyone already recognises its usual presentation.
The picture on the front of any magazine is the main focus, as this is what the reader will see immediately when noticing the magazine. This particular picture is taken from the film ‘The Dark Knight’ which is a sequel to the ‘Batman Begins’ film. The character that is seen on the front cover is the Joker, who is the antagonist of the film. The reason this photo is used as the front cover photo is because this the main focus feature of the magazine. It is also done because this film was going to be released close to the date of this magazine. The character in the picture is shown to be almost posing for the camera, which is different to the poster picture, as the poster has to reflect situations in the film, whereas this is to engage with the reader.
The colour scheme of the magazine front cover is based around the picture that is used. For example, on this picture, the main colours are purple and green; seen on the characters shirt, waistcoat and socks. To highlight these colours, they are brightened and made more visible. The fact this is done makes the picture stand out more and also makes it seem like the picture and the surrounding text belong together.
As well as the text and surrounding of the picture being purple and green, much of the text is also white. This adds contrast and helps the text stand out and be noticed by the reader. The use of white also helps include the colour of the title of the magazine, which is red.
On this magazine front cover, there are some other smaller features, which are included in the film. These features are about Sweeny Todd and The Mummy 3. The reason that these are included on the front cover is because variety needs to be included to reach a larger target audience. The is the case as some people may not be fans of the batman films, so to combat this, the magazine decide to put other film features on the front cover to show people that other interesting things are included in the magazine.
Included on this front cover is the iconic logo of the main feature film, this being the Batman logo. I feel this was done, as the main character, Batman, was not shown at the main picture, the Joker, the main antagonist, is shown instead. The use of the iconic ‘Batman’ logo allows the readers to quickly recognise what the main feature is and quickly gain interest in it.
Lastly, the main things to be remembered when producing magazine front cover is things such as the barcode, date and issue number. These are simply important for recognition and so that readers know when they were released and if they have missed an issue etc.
Textual Analysis - Empire Front cover 1
The title of the magazine is an important aspect of any magazine. This is so that it can be easily recognisable to people who are new or current fans of the magazine. It also makes it easy for it to be differentiated from other magazines that focus around the same topic, in this case films.
After a magazine has built up a large fan base and it is well established as a leading producer for a specific topic, it can then be more creative with the way the front cover of its magazine in presented. For example, in this front cover, because ‘Empire’ is well established magazine, they can make the main focus of the magazine cover a film feature, instead of the main focus being around the actual magazine. This is done by the picture which, is advertising the film ‘Iron Man 2’, covering up part of the name of the magazine.
Another feature which is important for a ‘film’ magazine to have on its front cover is a feature film which has being out in the cinemas recently or which is about to be in the cinemas. This is to attract the attention of people who are interested in new and upcoming feature films and are wanting an opinion on if it is good or not. The feature film on the front of the magazine can be presented in a few ways; by having a main focus picture that many people can see clearly, by having a large title of the film and also by changing or editing the rest of the magazine front cover to relate to the main focus film, which in this case is done by having the title of the magazine glowing, with electrical looking lightening coming off it.
The colouring of most magazines would change with each issue, mainly to prevent it from becoming boring and repetitive, but also to keep it so that it is consistent with the feature for that particular issue. For this magazine front cover it is a dark blue colouring, with the contrast of red and white. This is to coincide with the picture that is advertising the film, yet in previous issues the colour scheme of the magazine has being different, to match the film that is being advertised on the particular issue.
As well as there being a large section of the front cover devoted to advertising the one film, there is also a section of the front cover that is shown to advertise some other smaller film releases that are included within this issue of the magazine, one of these being Avatar. This section of the magazine front is at the bottom of the cover, which is done to ensure that the main attention is on the main film. This section is also presented as being like a roll of film cells, to highlight the fact that this is a film magazine and relate the magazine to what its content is about.
As well as there being these smaller features at the bottom of the magazine front cover; there are also some relations to the content of the magazine at the top of the magazine, above the title ‘Empire’. These are to highlight some extra things that are included within the magazine, and the fact they are put there without much detail makes the reader of the magazine become more intrigued to find out what there is to be said.
To show the readers of the magazine how good it actually is, awards that the magazine have won are deliberately presented on the front cover to gain more recognition for what they do, and how well they do it. In this case they are showing the fact they won ‘ultimate review of 2009’. By doing this, it is allowing the readers to have confidence in what they are reading, and know the opinions are decent and honest and facts of interests they may have.
Other important features to include on any magazine front cover are bar codes, a date and an issue number. These things are important to have for it to look consistent with how magazines are presented and produced and also that sufficient information is available for readers and people selling the magazine.
Target Audience for my Magazine
Magazine Institutions
Research into Film magazines
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Possible Finished Posters
Features to be included on my Poster
Possible poster 2 with title
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Poster with different fonts and colours
Possible Fonts for Title on Poster
Process of making Poster 2
In this picture, I am using Adobe Photoshop to merge the two pictures together to make it seem like it's dark, but with a hint of light on the character in the film.
Process of making Poster 1
The reason I wanted this picture to be so dark, is because I previously copied the picture, and I am going to use Adobe Photoshop to merge them together (the light and dark version) to give the effect of it being dark and spooky, but still being able to see the actual person in the picture.