Saturday, 20 March 2010

Drafts for my magazine front cover

For this magazine front cover, I am wanting to use a picture of the killer/older brother from the trailer as the main focus. I feel this will intrigue the readers more, about the film and make them think about the story of the film. I want the cover to appear quite dark but also have text that is bright, so the cover doesn't seem dark and boring.

For this magazine front cover I am wanting to use the youngest of the boys in the trailer to be the main focus. I would like it either if he is sat on the stairs looking at the camera, scared, or below with a torch searching for his brother, but both times being fully aware that the camera is there.

In both the last 2 draft ideas I want the text to be quite bright, but with a colour that doesn't drown out the picture. This is because the pictures are going to be fairly dark with not much colour, so to just suddenly add bright colours is going to shine over the picture, so the choice of colour I decide on has to compliment the pictures.

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