Saturday, 20 March 2010

Textual Analysis - Empire Front cover 2

The title of the magazine is an important part of any magazine front cover. This is so that people can differentiate between this one and others of the same genre or type. The quality of any front cover would automatically trigger any reader to assume that the content is probably of the same quality. In addition to this, the fact that part of the title of the magazine is covered up by a section of the picture which is featured on the cover, shows that this particular magazine is a highly achieving magazine which is very popular, meaning everyone already recognises its usual presentation.

The picture on the front of any magazine is the main focus, as this is what the reader will see immediately when noticing the magazine. This particular picture is taken from the film ‘The Dark Knight’ which is a sequel to the ‘Batman Begins’ film. The character that is seen on the front cover is the Joker, who is the antagonist of the film. The reason this photo is used as the front cover photo is because this the main focus feature of the magazine. It is also done because this film was going to be released close to the date of this magazine. The character in the picture is shown to be almost posing for the camera, which is different to the poster picture, as the poster has to reflect situations in the film, whereas this is to engage with the reader.

The colour scheme of the magazine front cover is based around the picture that is used. For example, on this picture, the main colours are purple and green; seen on the characters shirt, waistcoat and socks. To highlight these colours, they are brightened and made more visible. The fact this is done makes the picture stand out more and also makes it seem like the picture and the surrounding text belong together.

As well as the text and surrounding of the picture being purple and green, much of the text is also white. This adds contrast and helps the text stand out and be noticed by the reader. The use of white also helps include the colour of the title of the magazine, which is red.

On this magazine front cover, there are some other smaller features, which are included in the film. These features are about Sweeny Todd and The Mummy 3. The reason that these are included on the front cover is because variety needs to be included to reach a larger target audience. The is the case as some people may not be fans of the batman films, so to combat this, the magazine decide to put other film features on the front cover to show people that other interesting things are included in the magazine.

Included on this front cover is the iconic logo of the main feature film, this being the Batman logo. I feel this was done, as the main character, Batman, was not shown at the main picture, the Joker, the main antagonist, is shown instead. The use of the iconic ‘Batman’ logo allows the readers to quickly recognise what the main feature is and quickly gain interest in it.

Lastly, the main things to be remembered when producing magazine front cover is things such as the barcode, date and issue number. These are simply important for recognition and so that readers know when they were released and if they have missed an issue etc.

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